Thursday, December 31, 2009

6 months seem a lifetyme..

just got back from uniti... wif my swollen eyes gara2 bpisah ngan kekakaks n enciks yg nk posting nex week... they were among great things ever happened to me at uniti... really glad dat i met them when i really need someone's hand to show me da way n pats on my back... i planned to find frens but i found a family there! we shared tonnes of jokes n stories that i believed have enlighten our days n nites.. n now..the time has come..they need to go n i need to move on... wif kak umi n al-ustazatu though.. for the followings names:

1) Kak Ina (Azie Oth) - I'll be missing ur trangkn concept style, our time watching so u think u can dance n gossip girl 2gather, ur duit mileage engkau phrase, ur teh tarik of cos (hati2 jgn kne strok), ur abg zeli hahaha

2) Kak Ila - I'll be missing ur strategic wedding budget, ur cooking of cos, ur critics, the tyme where i need to take u at terminal 1, ur chocolate, ur brooch, ur eyeliners yg kte slalu tibai, ur mingguan wanita, ur "ilang akal"? phrase

3) To encik2 - thanx to all the care n love.. really appreciate it...after dis kne gi psr mlm sndri ah... no more foods sent to our home... no more pasta huhuhu.. no more discussion bout ASB

All of u just like my brothers n sisters that i never have.. really hope dat we can work 2gather forever ( for sure wif higher pay) but Allah knows better... i know all of u will do well in ur career n ur life...never try 2 forget me! nnt kawin mst jmput k! leh wat reunion!

missing all of u oreadi...